SEZO™ products
– use cases
WiRan’s SEZO (sensor zone) product line is a suite of low-power and long range devices that can be leveraged for and adjusted to various use cases.
The devices are capable of monitoring various environmental parameters, such as temperature, humidity, air pressure, luminosity, noise, particulate matter, acceleration, magnetic field, and motion.
The products can be modified based on client needs – features and be added and/or removed based on the project.

SEZO devices make refineries, chemical production companies, as well as office buildings more secure – SEZO allows you to measure and monitor shocks and movements of critical facility components and machinery, using the built-in accelerometer
Our SEZO suite of IoT devices allow us to monitor the air quality within such buildings – making sure there’s no chemical or gas leakage, no water damage and the facility is therefore safe to work in.
SEZO is also used as a part of protection system. The device can inform you if there’s unauthorised movement within some parts of the facility by informing whenever anyone opens the door or the lights turn on, giving you the ability to react in a timely manner.

Each SEZO device can be adjusted to clients’ individual needs, i.a. by adjusting alarm thresholds of all measured parameters.
SEZO devices are capable of sending data to Orange Live Objects platform either via LTE-M/ NB-IoT or LoRaWAN

SEZO makes public institutions, such as schools, libraries or museums more comfortable and more efficient.
Such institutions leverage SEZO products’ capabilities such as temperature and humidity monitoring, sound level and illumination monitoring to make the space more comfortable for users.
Thresholds for the measured parameters can be set individually through the build-in alarm threshold configuration.
The integrated accelerometer enables measurement of shocks and/or movements (e.g. of objects such as doors or exhibition pieces) and can potentially decrease response time of facility security (more reliable than CCTV).
By measuring and monitoring the humidity using SEZO products, museums make sure that the exhibition pieces will not deteriorate.

By measuring the air quality and humidity in the buildings we can avoid many upper respiratory tract diseases.
School management levarages SEZO devices to detect and prevent exposure to floating dust on school yards and parking lots and therefore make schools a safer place for both children and staff – SEZO measures particulate matter such as PM10, PM2.5, and PM1.
SEZO devices are capable of sending data to Orange Live Objects platform either via LTE-M/ NB-IoT or LoRaWAN.

SEZO devices enhance security processes at industrial manufacturing sites.
SEZO pulls data from the environment like dust levels (PM1 / PM2.5 / PM10) and sound levels.
The devices such as A1M or A1L have an integrated PIR (infrared) sensor, so it can detect the presence of people (like light detectors). This can be used as an alarm function, individually configured by the user. PIR sensors are commonly used in security alarms and automatic lighting applications.
The device has an alarm threshold configuration for all measured parameters.

Similar to the case of facility management, also here SEZO allows you to measure and monitor shocks and movements of critical facility components and machinery, using the built-in accelerometer, making the production site much safer for your employees.
SEZO HT (Helmet Tracker) is a product designed for construction sites – it’s a helmet tracker, enabling you to monitor your employees movements on-site, which increases their safety. In case of a work-related accident, the helmet tracker can emit a loud signal, informing other workers of the occurrence. In case it’s needed, any assistance will be provided much quicker.
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AS - antenna
DS - diplexer
SS - splitter
CS - coupler
AX - antenna
DX - diplexer
CX - coupler
SL - splitter
CL - coupler