space industry
Since 2016 we realize projects for European Space Agency. We design, prototype and produce hardware for space (nanosatellite communication). Examples are S-Band Diplexer and X-Band Diplexer. We are a member of the Polish Space Industry Association.
WiRan Poland is a comprehensive RF solutions provider, founded in 2002. See company history HERE. Our team of RF HW and Firmware engineers is experienced in markets like aerospace, military, rail and IoT – with particular focus on wireless communication systems.
Our design office carries out the design of electronic devices from the concept to the working prototype including dedicated tests to ensure the required quality of the product. Our engineering team partners and consult clients during their EMC troubleshooting process.
The S and X band radio modules are two good examples of WiRan’s competence in realizing projects with the European Space Agency (ESA).

| WiRan Poland HW solutions |
✔ satellite and terrestrial radio modules,
✔ test systems and RF components,
✔ dedicated high-reliability electronics,
✔ RF signal distribution systems.
| WiRan Poland Service competence |
✔ Electromagnetic simulations
✔ Design, prototyping, testing and measurements of electronic devices
✔ EMC and environmental tests

| Technologies |


WiRan S-band diplexers provide full-duplex communication for data transmission and TM&TC using single antenna. They are designed to operate in 2025-2110 & 2200-2290MHz bands.
In the space industry the best solutions are those which allow to minimize the dimensions and overall mass of a device, considering high costs of lifting cargo into orbit.
WiRan rises up to those challenges by offering S-band diplexers designed to work in 2025-2110 & 2200-2290 MHz bands.
The usage of a diplexer allows for full-duplex communication for data transmission, as well as TM & TC, while using a single antenna; high isolation between Rx & Tx bands allows for simultaneous transmission and reception without the need to worry about interference between the channels.

The combination of high quality space grade components with carefully designed and fine-tuned by our engineers passive elements allows our diplexer for reliable and dependable operability in one of the most demanding environments, space itself.
The device is designed specifically for U-class spacecrafts (CubeSat) – its compact dimensions and reduced mass make it perfect for installation in such limited spaces that CubeSat satellites offer. Among our products you can also find an S-band microstrip antenna, fully compatible with our diplexer.

In most of the CubeSat applications there is only simplex communication, from satellite to Earth. After being placed in the orbit, a nanosatellite usually only transmits measurements data, without simultaneous response from earth.
In other cases, for the remaining communication schemes, there is need for bidirectional communication that could be full-duplex, when nanosatellite can transmit (Tx) or receive (Rx) data in the same particular moment of time. In this case only one antenna is sufficient to establish communication.
The ability to use full-duplex communication using the same antenna for the TX and RX requires integration of the diplexer which is joining RX and TX frequency bands in a single junction. Multiple applications require communication link earth to satellite and satellite to satellite at the same time. Satellite swarms are becoming more and more popular.
WiRan X-Band diplexer provides full-duplex communication for data transmission and TM&TC using single antenna. WiRan X-Band diplexer is designed to operate in 7145-7235 & 8400-8500MHz bands covering SR and DS applications.

Our device uses effective SIW technology (SIW => Substrate integrated waveguide). It allows to achieve low insertion loss, high return loss and very high isolation between RX and TX as well as compact size and low weight of the device.
The diplexer has been placed on an aluminum structure that provides mechanical strength and is ready to be mounted on CubeSat. Our device has been equipped with SMA (SubMiniature version A) connectors to allow universal use of this product.

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Press releases
WiRan Poland and SEZO Internet of Things products have been mentioned in various offline and online media outlets. You will find us for example on (hubraum = tech incubator of Deutsche Telekom) and (Polish Space Industry Association).
WiRan Sp. z o.o. realizuje projekt pt.:
„Podniesienie gotowości technologicznej produktów/komponentów systemów łączności na pasmo S oraz X WiRan do poziomu TRL 9”
dofinansowany z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego.
Nr wniosku: POIR.01.01.01-00-0828/19
Cel projektu:
Głównym celem projektu jest przeprowadzenie prac badawczo-rozwojowych, który rezultatem będzie opracowanie zestawu czterech znacząco ulepszonych produktów w postaci komponentów lotnych do zastosowania w nano i mikrosatelitach – dupleksera na pasmo częstotliwości S, dupleksera na pasmo częstotliwości X, anteny na pasmo częstotliwości S oraz antena na pasmo częstotliwości X. Powyższe komponenty stanowić będą krytyczną część toru radiokomunikacyjnego nano i mikrosatelity.
Opracowana technologia będzie zgodna ze standardem ECSS-E-ST-50-05C i będzie wpisywać się w szerszą strategie polskiej branży kosmicznej.
Rezultaty projektu będą stanowić kompletny, opracowany w wyniku realizacji prac badawczo-rozwojowych, zestaw urządzeń (dwa dupleksery oraz dwie anteny), w ramach którego każde z urządzeń w razie potrzeby będzie mogło być również wykorzystywane samodzielnie. Rezultaty projektu będą mogły zostać stosowane z powodzeniem zarówno na pokładzie platformy HyperSat oraz innych satelitów krajowych, jak i zagranicznych, wykorzystujących łączność w pasmach częstotliwości S lub X.
Planowany efekt: Wdrożenie wyniku prac badawczych i rozwojowych do działalności firmy.
Wartość projektu: 4 676 880,87 PLN
Wkład Funduszy Europejskich: 3 476 290,75 PLN

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AS - antenna
DS - diplexer
SS - splitter
CS - coupler
AX - antenna
DX - diplexer
CX - coupler
SL - splitter
CL - coupler