IoT prototyping
IoT or “Internet of Things” is not just a fad or buzz word. IoT is already a reality and can be seen in the global marketplace in the form of products, services and solutions. Today, we can can leverage data and make sense of it via advanced data analytics, and IoT-enabled devices and sensors can help us reduce air pollution, improve agriculture, and even detect and contain deadly viruses. WiRan Poland is conceptualizing and creating IoT products. One of our solutions can be seen on the LTE-M Prototyping summit in Vienna.
Why does IoT matter for you, as a company? Connecting your company to the IoT network can boost its efficiency, safety and, ultimately, its profitability. Our RF and HW Engineers here at WiRan Poland can support your project with expertise in the RF and Telemetry, our team can add RF functionalities to your devices, making them a part of the IoT world; we have also, together with our team of engineers, developed our own range of products, using the best available technologies, called SEZO. Our devices can be connected to such platforms as Orange Live Objects platform, making it easy for you to analyse and leverage the collected data.

Thanks to our experience we are able to introduce your solution to the dynamically developing world of the Internet of Things (IoT). Many existing systems can be upgraded with wireless communication or migrated to a newer, more efficient standard. This can improve logistics, increase the ease and convenience of resource management, improve danger alert system or reduce infrastructure costs. However, one should remember that the actual benefit will only be achieved when the wireless data transmission solution is carefully adapted to our system/product. Aspects such as required range, protocol and transmission frequency, power supply type, required battery life, or type and size of transmitted data should be considered. In order to arrive at the best possible solution, we invite you to a consultation, during which you will present us with your product vision and we will be able to show you the optimal way to the solution.

The integration of wireless and high frequency technologies requires a special approach to electronics design. The quality parameters of the wireless connection are influenced by many aspects such as the type and location of the antenna used, its surroundings, the geometry of the path leading from and to the antenna and the materials used for production. Mistakes in design may not only affect the range or stability of communication, but also cause EMC problems. The reflected radio signal can interfere with components of our or other equipment. Additionally, EMC problems may have legal repercussions resulting from failure to meet RED directive’s or EMC requirements. To help you go through this process seamlessly, we offer our many years of experience in designing wireless systems, a high-end measurement laboratory and EMC engineering services.
experienced engineers + advanced equipment
= high quality IoT products

What makes WiRan Poland so special? Let’s start with the basics – Lab infrastructure. WiRan operates its own test laboratories with sophisticated test equipment, including a Faraday cage and a climatic chamber.
In terms of EMC testing and HW development, WiRan Poland has got you fully covered as well. From testing devices (vector network analyzer, oscilloscopes, digital multimeters & picoamperometers, function generators, rework systems for QFP and BGA components, portable passive Intermodulation) to first-class Hardware Design software. This enables us to spur your R&D project from idea validation up to the first working proptype. In our modern, in-house laboratory we offer EMC measurements in line with European standards, which ensure and optimize the quality of your products.
First-class measurement equipment and laboratory space is kept here on-premise, at WiRan. We are not too dependent on subcontractors, which also eliminates risks for you as our client. WiRan Poland is a B2B company providing “R&D as a Service” to national and international clients in the sectors space, maritime, railway, industrial and IoT.

Today’s increasing fast-paced market place and decreasing product life cycles, makes TTM (Time to Market) an increasingly important KPI to measure. Why is Time to Market so important? The decline of the traditional product life cycle – across many industries – means that replacing a service or product line every two or so years is almost the norm now.
In addition to this, if a business is not quick to introduce a product to the market fast, it risks launching goods or services that have been already been introduced by competitors. Time to market (TTM) is one of our strengths here at WiRan Poland. As an R&D as a Service (R&DaaS) provider we are capable of realizing your project from stage 1 (technical specification draft) to stage N (working prototype) in a timely manner. We are experts in RF design with a proven track record of two decades now. For more details around IoT prototyping and RF design please LINK

When it comes to Electronics Development, the knowledge of embedded systems, circuit design and device prototyping goes hand in hand. WiRan Poland has been an expert in Radio-Frequency design for nearly 20 years now. We design and produce electronic devices that produce or utilize signals within the radio band, since 2002. For more details please review our company history LINK. WiRan is a comprehensive provider of solutions related to Radio Frequency technology with clients from industries like railway, military, IoT (LoRa and NB-IoT/LTE-M based) as well as space (i.e. European Space Agency).
Even though analog circuit design is no longer of major importance in the development of electronic devices, the knowledge thereof is still beneficial when it comes to electronic devices’ prototyping. WiRan Poland offers signal conditioning, galvanic isolation, analogous isolation (for both high and low frequency signals as well as low-noise DC/DC converters and amplifiers). WiRan is an official representative office of Exova in Poland. WiRan also offers trainings in Poland in the field of PIM (Passive Intermodulation), as well as Wave propagation trainings for UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) pilots. For training and workshop inquiries related to Passive Intermodulation and Wave propagation for UAV pilots please visit WiRan Trainings LINK
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AS - antenna
DS - diplexer
SS - splitter
CS - coupler
AX - antenna
DX - diplexer
CX - coupler
SL - splitter
CL - coupler